Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Now that I've completed my drill for the month of November, I'm ready to sit back and enjoy the rest of the month. This weekend, Scott and I are driving over to Spokane for a whirlwind visit with the Monsters. Since I will not be able to go to MI for Thanksgiving with Scott and the girls, this will be a treat for me.

Scott has been going back there alot lately, and I've not been able to make it for most of the trips. I'm starting to feel a little out of touch with home, and jealous - even resentful - that he is getting to go back without me. I used a large chunk of my vacation time to go home in March on a mission to book a reception site. So I've been scrimping and saving what's left in order to spend time with the girls this Christmas.

My plan for the two weeks of solitude is to get my house cleaned up, get some clothes out of my closet and into the Goodwill donation box, watch alot of chick flicks, eat some chocolate and mashed potatoes (not together! ew!), and just relax. After these last couple of months, where every day had a plan and putting the brakes on for some rest was not an option, I'm more than ready to try my hand at being like a vegetable.

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